Journal of Applied Physiology, 1998
Authors: A. D. D’Urzo, I. Rubinstein, V. G. Lawson, K. P. Vassal, A. S.
Rebuck, A. S Slutsky, and V. Hoffstein
Conclusion: “The acoustic reflection method is essentially a physiological tool, dedicated to performing only a single measurement, namely that of airway area. The major advantage of the acoustic reflections technique is its low cost, speed and simplicity of measurements, and lack of radiation hazards to the patient. In summary, despite the many assumptions inherent in the method of area inference from pulse-response measurements, rapid, noninvasive, accurate and reproducible determinations of glottic cross-sectional are may be obtained. Our results indicate that the acoustic reflection technique may be used reliably for in vivo clinical and physiological studies concerned with the glottis.”